Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

In case you did not know... have two weeks, a fortnight, quinze jours to get your Christmas shopping done.

A bit of silliness as I am really busy today - had to deplete Waitrose of their stock this morning as the boys will be home on holiday from today, and they can get through incredible amounts of food. I had a few more errands to run and everything on my list has now been ticked off, what a relief. All the presents have been wrapped (though still waiting for a few more Amazon deliveries), Christmas cards have gone out and maybe I can start to relax.

I have been very spoilt by Gavin who has bought me a new lens for Christmas. We got notification to say that it was to be delivered from Amazon on Saturday. We were at home all morning and the doorbell did not ring, so we were surprised when we came out at about lunch time to find that the lens had been thrown over our 8 ft gate and was lying in the flower beds. If that was not bad enough, it was in its Nikon box but that had not been protectively packaged in an Amazon delivery box, and there was no invoice or any paperwork with it. We phoned Amazon to say we were not accepting it as it could be damaged - to toss an expensive lens over a fence and gate and not even ring the doorbell is just poor service from the courier. Amazon came to collect it and have refunded us, and we have now bought the lens from someone else, who delivered it in my hand today after ringing the doorbell. What's more, I was out when they first tried to deliver it and they then phoned to check I was home again so they could re-deliver on the same day.

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