Still Here!

By Yorkhull

Chinese Banyan tree

Day 1/3. Rest, recuperation and restore

Today I enjoyed a relaxing breakfast before going up to the university to have coffee with CW, the former, now retired, head of the department we work with. It was great to see him again. We have both had health problems so it was good we both seemed to be thriving. We also shared recent daughter weddings so the photos came out and we talked indulgently of our lovely days.

Then on to lunch with two professors, DW and WL, who hosted me when I was on sabbatical in 2010-11. They have always looked out for me and it was good to catch up. They are running a big conference in late June so I will get an invite to attend. If I stay well I will have a chance to come back to HK before September! Good news!

I then went shopping for myself. I needed two pairs of MBTS, the anti-shoes I wear continuously. They have improved my posture and reduced back and knee and foot problems since I discovered them. HK now has two shops so I had a great time got £50 off and two new pairs! I took some photos whilst out and my blip for the day was the somewhat knarled but beautiful Chinese Banyan Tree.

I had of course done too much and found myself having a nap for two hours. Restored I went down for a final chat with my colleague who flies home early tomorrow. I then had the joy of the night market, across the street in Temple Street, a famous market. I was searching for requests from family for kimonos and a jade necklace all of which I got and negotiated small reductions in price. (I am not good at this bargaining)

Pleased with myself, I then had a light dinner, put some HK pictures on Facebook, caught up on my own blips and now am sending this before bed.

Looking forward to Day Two!

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