What do you get when you kiss a guy?
I loved living in a tenement.
I loved the views over the city, I loved the "student life" in a pit that wasn't fit for habitation.
I loved the repeated viewing of Breathless, and An Officer and a Gentlemen.
I loved the late night food fights and shaving foam fights we got into .
I loved the mad folk who came round to party.
I loved the street we lived on and the pubs and the clubs, and the takeaways we frequented.
I loved being city centre.
I loved having the "Your Turn to Clean the Back Passage Sign" appear on the door knob.
I tolerated the ghost, although the mice were pushing my tolerance.
And most of all, I loved being able to run up the 96 steps on a Friday night, as fast as possible to get into the loo first.
Probably pee myself on the first landing these days.
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