Glacier Lagoon Beech

If you watch my Blipfoto page you will have seen that I enjoy seascapes and one of the places I have wanted to spend some time in is the beach at Glacier Lagoon in Jökulsárlón.

This location is where newly formed icebergs from the Jökulsárlón Glacier make their way from the freshwater into the massive expanse of the Atlantic Ocean and some of the smaller (and even not so smaller) icebergs are washed back onto the beach.

It was about -4 air temperature when taking this shot and as the tide was coming in the only way to get it was to wear waterproofs and allow the waves to crash into you and experience the sinking feeling of the loose basalt sand giving way as the water loosened it and hoping that the sand holding the tripod doesn't move in the exposure time. Thankfully the shop across the road at the Lagoon has a stock of warm socks and so I am now the proud owner of a pair of angora wool socks as a result.

I was really drawn to this piece of ice as it seemed to be pointed toward the setting sun and so gives me another option for the weekly blip challenge too!

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