Golden Holes in the Clouds

We got more than silver linings for our clouds. We got golden linings. It seems a fitting end to our epic storm.

Since we all agreed that the White Elephant gift exchange at Thanksgiving would be in lieu of real gifts, we gave our grandkids' Christmas money to the firefighters who run a Toys for Kids program. The other half will go to the Food Bank. As we were driving back from the firefighters' kiosk in the mall, the dark clouds began to part, and the sun appeared through the holes in the sky.

The gingerbread houses are all built and ready for Maya and Owen to come tomorrow and decorate them…always a fun day.

If you haven't been getting comments from me, it's because I keep hitting the website when it is "having some problems". I hope the switch to the newly designed website being unveiled next week goes smoothly and alleviates this problem without causing itself or us too much stress!


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