Last Light on Trig Hill

I have never been up there. The Boss has promised to take me but he has just not got a round tuit. I am not even sure if he has a square one either and if I get my dPad for Christmas the first thing I will do is googleit and see where to get one.
The thing you can see on the top is not a Trig. Actually I don’t kno what one of those is either but The Boss who has been up this hill with or without the afore mentioned circular attachment, says it is a Pine tree. It looks a bit lonely…Eh?
There is however, The Boss says, a Trig station up there. I am extremely dubious about that ‘Cos I cannot see any rails and I have 23/20 vision so he may be pulling my lead. He does that a lot you kno.
Anyway it does make a nice pic don’t you think?


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