Sparkling Stickathon

This sounds like something you might drink for Christmas...You probably shouldn't drive after I think as your reaction time might be a bit "wooden" ...heh heh heh.....Anyway...

Early start this morning as The Boss has taken to having wordless text messages with The Bossess. This is a fun game where he takes a photo and sends it without words. The Bossess is going to be encouraged to do the same. Sort of “Instagram” without the social drama and the website and privacy issues.
Anyway he started the series with a shot of the bedroom door while still in bed. I knew this ‘Cos I was at the foot of the bed sort of in cog nite Oh as I had sneaked upstairs to keep him company. DogBlog please note.

It was a cracker day so stickathons were all on as you can see.

You are going to be hearing from Tiny for a day or two as I am having a pre Christmas break at THC while The Boss goes to visit his Sister in Christchurch. I am also going to get a bit of a haircut too so that will be cool(er)

The Boss is going to get his camera “De Bugged” as he had to photograph a FLOWER today. Well actually a Himalayan Lilly he was told by it’s owner. I am not sure how his camera will be after this mind blowing event but you can have a click and see what you think. It’s owner was very pleased with the outcome anyway when he presented her with an A4 print for framing.

Well sniff you in a few days.

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