Moving Into The Unknown

By dvdlodi

Steve and Friends

This morning I delivered some Christmas oranges to Steve (on the far left). I had the opportunity to sit for awhile and talk to some of Steve's friends (from left to right) Michael, Nella, FISH, and Jacqueline. Michael is holding Lulu the dog, and Sammie is the dog sitting next to Jacqueline.

These folks all lack permanent housing and have been living in the courtyard of a local church here in town for some time now. Each one carries a unique story as to why they are on the streets. Many people in my community are actively discussing homelessness and what the city should do to address the fact that there is not adequate housing available for most of these folks. It's been a lively discussion, as evidenced by recent letters to the editor and FB posts.

While I don't have answers that will solve the plight of the homeless, I do know that when I take the time to stop and talk with Steve and other homeless people, they deeply appreciate it and I learn so much in return. I am no different than they are - we're neighbors and friends. We all have lives we are trying to live and for me, a little conversation with good people sure can make a cold day a whole lot warmer.

Here's an earlier photo from Spring: Steve

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