The glamour.

Christmas lunch, yesterday, Christmas party, today. This is the one where we invite partners, clients, other businesses from Kendal, and anyone else we fancy having a drink with. It's always a good do; everyone knows at least a few people there and it's a nice opportunity to catch up.

We hold it in the Warehouse Café at the Brewery Arts Centre and typically invite around 80 people, with usually about 40 putting in an appearance. The bad weather this year meant the numbers were down a little but I still found I was pretty busy and that the three hours flew by.

I'm sure I must have drunk a couple of bottles of Prosecco, leavened by only three or four mince pies, during the party and, consequently, when I got home around half-eight I was in need of something to eat. I rustled up a couple of bacon sandwiches, contemplated lighting the fire, but instead poured myself a glass of Jack Daniels and headed up to bed to enjoy my supper.

It might not have been the classiest end to the evening but I watched a bit of 'Constantine' and then slept like a log :-)

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