
By AxelF1975

Go slow

So Chloe and I headed up to Glenrothes to visits friends, aiming to get there at three. We stopped at Sth Queensferry Tesco to grab provisions (non-alcoholic Kopabergs for the teen and the pregnant one and a delicious Sicilian Lemon tart / extra thick double cream for pudding) and I was thinking that we were going to be early - again! Which stresses out my OCD friend who for some reason seems to think that her house has to be immaculate for us visiting - not a feeling I reciprocate when she visits us.

So when I got a text asking if we could delay arrival til 4 (as the tidying was running behind schedule) I simply replied that we were en route but I would drive very very slowly.

Don't think I have ever averaged 56 miles an hour on duel carriageway - it was very strange being overtaken by decidedly older and less powerful cars ...

Still we managed to delay our arrival a bit and had a wonderful time catching up with them and their fab two year old who is very very cute and funny - she says "daddy beer" every time John goes to the fridge.

He made me and him some lovely cocktails called Shaky Petes which involve gin, ginger cordial, lime and London Pride. Great drink but he did pass out at 21:15 as a result. All in all, the earliest night I have ever had when staying at their house!

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