As Long as I get my kiss...

The Breakfast of lazy buggars.

Himself rose this morning, slowly and easily as is the way of the morning.

I contemplated moving, and promised himself I would indeedy be rising.

I lied. I fell asleep again, but I did wake up to this lushness of Breakfast. Poached Eggs x 2, Bacon Rashers x 2 Potato Scone x 2. And a cup of coffee.

I had to rise, I had to, I was getting my Christmas hair doo today. I love getting my hair done at the salon... I used to not, but now, I am content to sit in the salon, and take the couple of hours as a little bit of me time.

I suggested to the gals that I wanted some pretty Blueness in my hair for Christmas, and they said that they would think up something festive for me.

I was delighted when P washed out my colours and revealed a head of beautiful blondness and pretty subtle red highlights.

Then I had it chopped to reveal my Christmas Beautifulness.

My husband is a lucky, lucky man.


Tomorrow I shall grant you a glimpse, but only a little glimpse.Is for Christmas

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