Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

Musical Selection Box

Today was the 'Musical Selection Box'- a variety show of local musical talent, held in the church and organised by Linton Youth Music.

We were really pleased with the turn out and the variety of acts was amazing. The Accelerants kicked us off with a couple of acoustic numbers. Also on the bill were '4 Flutes a Tooting', 'The Ding Dong Belles', Anya B sang a beautiful piece by Strauss, The Godsill family on strings, Poppy and Isabelle played and sang 'The Cup Song', infant and Junior School choirs, a bit of guitar rock from Alf, Mrs B on piano and a lovely singer from LVC.

I almost forgot, we finished with 2 communal hymns. Everyone was invited to join in on their instruments and if you didn't have one you were given a xylophone or kazoo. The choirs led the singing-it was manic, yet still strangely brilliant.

A fabulous evening and another example of the lovely and very talented community we live in.

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