Frost on the ridge.....

As it got lighter this morning I realised the frost that I had to scrape off my car yesterday evening had developed into a wonderful hoar frost.
This of course meant only one thing, out with the camera quick sharp!!!
Hoar frost is when the frost deposits ice crystals on objects exposed in the free air, as well as on the ground, and is very beautiful.
As I drove out along the country lanes, the external temperature reading in my car kept was -5 at my house, but higher up near Pease pottage it reached +2, making me wonder if my car was somehow overheating! but as I drove back into Horsham, it steadily went down again, so I guess I must just live in a 'frost pocket'.
Today's blip is the sheep in a field on the Grouse road (where the temperature read +1). I like this shot, as you can see the frost on the grass, but the sun is breaking through through the trees, illuminating the whole scene.
Work tomorrow, last Monday for 2 weeks! I wonder what lengths I will have to go to to get a blip this week!

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