Caramacs & Monkey Socks

By AmyW

Christmas Tree at Jenners

Before meeting my friend Lynz at the Christmas market for hot cider, I thought I would pop into Jenners quickly to use the toilets. I should've remembered that there's no such thing as popping quickly into Jenners! My friend Mary and I always joke that they should hand out maps as you enter! It's such a maze of departments and staircases, and it never feels like I know where I'm going - even when I'm following the signs! Anyway, while I was trying to get out, I went past the Christmas tree and took this quick snap.

Apparently a lot of people think this year's tree is a bit scabby, but I think it still looks pretty.
I hate the job of putting lights round a Christmas tree, so I'm glad I'm not in charge of this one! You can see a wee video of how they get it in the shop (it involves rugby players !) here.

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