Third Sunday of Advent

I love the traditions of Advent, the things that focus our attention on the waiting and anticipating (instead of all the doing and angst) of the Christmas season.
Every year I read a daily devotional written just for the days of Advent , and this year I even bought myself an Advent calendar with a little piece of chocolate behind each door counting down to Christmas Day!
But my all time favorite Advent tradition is the candles. Usually four candles are set in an evergreen wreath with a fifth in the middle (I use a star shaped candelabra with holly at the bottom). On the fourth Sunday before Christmas the first candle is lit, and then each Sunday thereafter another candle adds its light, until Christmas day when all five candles burn brightly.
Just as the days are growing shorter and darker, the Light of Chirst is growing stronger and brighter!
What a great way to be reminded what this season is all about.

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