Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

Busy bees

This morning we woke up to thick fog so we scrapped our plans of driving to Durbuy and stayed local instead. We headed to our local market where we picked up some food for our tea and Mum also bought me a lovely little Christmas tree for outside our front door.
From there we headed to the soft play which was great as the kids are now of an age where they don't need us to help them with anything and they play so well together, so that me and Mum could have a good natter and do some planning.
Home for lunch, an afternoon movie for us all - Dumbo and then Christmas card writing for everyone in the kid's classes. Mum was so patient as she helped Dexter with every one and he wrote his name so nicely (we love the way he writes his name as he does the 't' back to front but it looks cool).

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