Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Cute little butterflies

Ok, so this isn't a cute little butterfly, this is a huge great big Burmese Python.

We went to the butterfly and insect world (which technically should be the butterfly, insect and reptile world) today. It had two purposes, the first was so we could have a nice day somewhere and I could relax without all the stress of how busy I am at the minute. The second reason was so I could see how big adult Royal Pythons get and The Boy could have chance to meet one.

I had hundreds of beautiful pictures of butterflies and a couple of lovely dramatic tarantula shots but this guy won out in the end. He's a Burmese Python, they grow to about 15 foot. Those stories you hear about people/dogs/etc being attacked by snakes (or the stories your mind can conjure up) these are usually the snakes involved. It amused me greatly that as the families with their tiny toddlers walked past (for scale, the snake's head was sometimes level with mine) the parents would tell the children "oh look, it wants to eat you" little did they know how true their statement was.

The Boy has finally agreed that we can get a Royal Python. Fully grown, it would probably just make a tasty snack for the Burmese python. When they think they're being attacked, rather than try and defend by biting they curl up in a ball. They largest prey they eat is a rat so there's no chance of it hurting a human (unless they're very weak and then they might pull a muscle trying to hold it). If all goes to plan I might be able to pick up a vivarium, the kit I need and a cute little hatchling on Saturday!

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