Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Happy St Patrick's Day

S and his Boy came over this evening for dinner. Mainly because we needed to cut down the length of the hazel we gathered on Saturday and wax the ends to prevent them drying out too quickly and splitting. You wouldn't believe the mess that could be made from sawing through some sticks and rubbing wax on them! We also found that some of them have lovely accoustic qualities and we made a mini xylophone out of the offcuts.

The photo of the carnage left behind looked exactly as it was, messy, so instead I've opted for a shot of my four sticks. From left to right: my practice stick, my first stick that will be used on the night, the stick a friend made for me with the symbol of Hazel carved in it and my second stick for the night.

My tenuous link to Ireland and St Patrick's day is that the symbol on the third stick used to be part of an alphabet that was likely used in early Irish writting, the letters each given a tree.

Apparently I mention guiness 100% less than the average user. That's a shame. [edit] you only have to mention the G word once to mention it 275% more than the average user [/edit]

Backblipped my basketry adventures and the trip to the Butterfly world

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