Life with Alice

By elirin

You've Got Mail!

This "on heat" thing is a very tiring business indeed. The myriads of scents that have to be examined on every single walkie make them shorter in distance, but longer in time. People we meet don't understand that they are scary. I am not allowed off my lead. Mum tries to keep us at a distance from dogs, and Molly the cat, which is not always easy. She says we're both rookies at this, we'll learn as we go.

However, happiness spread its glorious wings when we finally got inside and emptied the postbox. A BIG letter - for me! It said Alice and smelled amazingly much Alice. So I did my best high jump and snatched it and mum let me. I took it to my bed to open it with haste, because there had to be something great inside! As it turned out, there was!

Mum nearly cried. In fact, she did cry. The kindest gift ever! I got a dedication even, and the best goodies I've had in a very long time, bison treats included. This is me a nanosecond before I bolted. Santa Paws has to be involved here somehow?! <3<3<3 to our Friend Emmy!

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