Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

The Road Home

Back blipping successful. Here is today's photos taken on today's bike ride. I waited until after coffee time to head out as it had been very cold overnight, so it will be a short ride. Loads of ice. I had planned to cycle back along the cycle path from Roslin to Lasswade road, but as I head out, the pavement on the Seafield Moor Road is very icy, change of plan.

So I cycle down to Gladhouse reservoir. The roads up until then have been ice free, but the reservoir road is not. I am cycling through slushy ice, and on a couple of occasions have to stop and walk around patches of shiny black ice, other times, I just stop and take a photo of the reservoir. The icy conditions prevail until I drop down in to Temple. By the time I am at Carrington, the temperature is just above zero.

On the home leg now, heading towards Roslin, I stop, a bit easily here as the temperature is now above zero, and admire one last view. This is the nicest photo, of a farm set against the Pentlands, of the whole ride. It doesn't take long to get home from here.

In the end I have cycled 46.5km, 28.9 miles. Better do some Christmas shopping then, after some lunch though.

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