I think they've moved in !

The first thing I did when it got light this morning was to fill the peanut feeder - and put some peanuts on the bird table.

It didn't take the jays, or the pigeons or the blackbirds, long to realise there was again food on the table.

The three jays were back - almost non stop - seeing off a rather podgy pigeon who had designs on their loot.

Very late back last night, after a marvellous week. The TAP flight was on time and it's a great company (shame they aren't doing direct London - Funchal flights next year). BUT - there was a big Madeiran family - four loud unruly kids and a mother who hadn't a clue - and two very embarrassed and increasingly annoyed grandparents. For some reason, my seat was in the middle of them !

But as they all cheered "Ciao, Madeira" as we took off, you had to be rather charmed.

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