
By Croft16

Catchup Number 3..

..up at 8:30, after getting to bed around 2:30! Breakfast at B's, and then on the road to Bristol just before 10. Had plenty of time, so could toodle along at 60 instead of the normal mad dash.. Timing was perfect, arriving at the airport a minute or two before midday..

Flight was fine, on time, and arriving early..

Into the supermarket for some fresh veges and mushrooms, and was amazed to see some Samphire on sale..

Family delicacy for the weekend No 2! As a kid, our family summer holiday was always in Norfolk, Wells next the sea, where my dad was born and grew up. We would swim across the creek to the marshes, and pick bags of this seaweed. Washed and trimmed (roots), it would be boiled in water, and eaten hot with bread and butter. The taste is of spinach, but slightly salty. Mature plants have a fibrous midrib to the stem, the whole stem is put in the mouth and the succulent flesh stripped off against the teeth. I love it (if anyone knows where I can find some up here I'd be eternally grateful), I'd drive 80 miles to the East coast to pick it!

Here I've cooked mushrooms in butter, added milk and cornflour to make a sauce. Added prawns, and then stirred in the boiled Samphire. This was then spooned onto pancakes and rolled up. And it was delicious..

Right, that's three blips caught up with, just today's to do now! That might be tonight's School pantomime..

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