Nativity play..

Got the Christmas cards posted today, and a couple of calendars. Took G down to get her hair cut, and picked her up again..

Sowed some more lettuce in the greenhouse, and pottered in the house. Took eggs down to the hotel and J, and had a good look at the building work.. Cut a Christmas tree from the side of the road on the way back, and it's now up and decorated. (the council would only trim them back - at least I'm making some use of it!!).

And then the School Christmas show. This year was a traditional nativity, after a few researched (by the children) topics. Holly, Ivy, and Mistletoe. Christmas trees and Mince pies. All accompanied by a song. And then the actual nativity, with the young ones acting the parts, and the older ones singing and narrating.

A credit to the community. Praise justly due to the teachers, to the parents who made some amazing costumes, and mostly to the children for just being so well behaved, and presenting their show with such keenness and confidence. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas..

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