Life & times of the B-H's

By SarahOberon

meet Moufe!

this little chap is currently sitting in a gift bag in a nest of newspaper with treats bought especially for him.

Myrtle was going nuts in the front room, couldn't work out what on earth the problem was, it seemed to be to do with one of my bead boxes. I picked it up, I cleaned it checked it over and nothing but still mad cat goings on. I then saw this tiny tail hanging out of one of the struts. Moufe (Alfie will not say mouse!) was stuck. I took him out to the front of the and with some assistance from Alice and jude managed to get him to come out into the plant pot. Before I could get a better shot he had vaulted over the edge and awya next door. I thought that was that, he was ina bad way and would probably pass on quietly.

That was until Myrtle flew into the fronts room a couple of hours later with back legs hanging out of her mouth! She would not release this one and I had to throw her out mouse intact in her jaws feeling very guilty and rather sick. About half and hour later we had a repeat performance and I managed ot win this battle, knowing this one deff the first mouse as he had a damaged tail. Picked him up in a tissue and he nestled in my hands for a good 30mins,so the bag was retrieved and him installed, again thinking he could go quietly. Now a good few hours later he is happily chuntering around in the bag having had some meusli and a tiny bit of choccy button! He is now gnawing on the gerbil/mouse treat

Heres hoping he survives the night to be released tomorrow a long way from my house!!

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