Domestic goddess?

Sometimes I get the urge to bake.

Sometimes I get massively unsubtle hints off my colleagues that it is time that I got the urge to bake.

One of the many lovely gifts I got on Saturday night from my little chicks at my Hen do was a recipe book full of cupcakes, along with a recipe book stand, a fetching apron (which you saw me wearing if you went and had a look at the Hen do pics) and an oven mitt.

I decided to bake something from the book tonight and tomorrow people will eat cake :-) In fact, in about twenty minutes, I will eat cake whilst watching Eddie Izzard finish his marathon of marathons on the tv.

On a side note, I think I am turning into my Nana - I sorted out my baking cupbaord (oh yes, I do have a specific cupboard JUST for baking ingredients). I found tins, packets and boxes with use by dates from 2006! I can assure everyone concerned with the consumtion of these beauties though that I binned everything that was out of date, cleaned my cupboard and then went out and bought fresh ingredients.

I even made the lemon curd that is inside the cakes from scratch. I also learned an interesting technique for making meringue.

Gosh - life is exciting.

You know what though - life is much nicer this way than when gangs of yobs are attacking my neighbours' house. Feeling much happier today - all continues to be quiet on the western front :-)

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