Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Date Night

These two beautiful glasses were moments away from being filled with delightful beverage. Oh what a night!

After a long, long day at the campus, it was so fun to arrive home to a carefree evening that included a lovely dinner out with Mr. Fun. We dined at one of our favorite pasta places . . . I had Bolognese; he had grilled salmon. He's still seriously dieting and I'm enjoying the fringe benefits . . . all of them.

It was a busier than usual Thursday at the campus with an early morning class, Writing Center duty, and four afternoon meetings. So I am all through for this day and have arrived at "exhausted"! Which feels like a destination.

Thank you to everyone for the wonderful meaningful comments yesterday. When I uploaded last night I was running out of energy. I was convinced that I had written a boring message and displayed a view that I have shown numerous times in the past. I was sure no one would stop, not to mention comment. What a surprise when I got to my computer late this afternoon. This place lifts my spirits. What a fabulous community. Thank YOU!

It would be impossible to express how thoroughly disappointed I am that I will not be at the NorthWest Blipmeet this Sunday. I can get a free flight there, but I cannot fanagle a free or even inexpensive flight home! I'll wait anxiously for everyone's photos of the gathering and you can be sure that I'll view with a tear in my eye.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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