Writer's Block

By writersblock

Cute guitar player

Today ended up being a bit of a recovery day for me. After wine tasting yesterday, I ended up going out with a girlfriend. We had a great time drinking and dancing. . . and perhaps had one or two too many birthday shots. Oddly, everywhere we went somebody was having a birthday, or so they said... I was slightly disturbed when I realized one young man that I was chatting with was born in 1988! Thanks for making me feel old, you young wippersnapper!

R yet again proved he is THE best fiancé in the world when he got out of bed at 2 a.m. to pick us up and then go back to get my car first thing in tbd morning.

Today, I loafed. Listened to R play his guitar... Watched tv... And I took a luxurious nap.

It's good to get these old bones out to live it up like it was 2002. But so nice to come home to a sweetpea who babied my hangover!

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