occhi verdi

By occhiverdi

In the garden

Planting in the garden this morning..

Well, I wasn't. But my dad was. He took out all the collard greens that I planted back in October.. so we're going to have a huge meal with those tonight. Apparently it's supposed to get down to freezing temperatures again tonight. (I love this weather.)
I do believe in climate changes.. I just don't think it's towards the warmer side. I think we're due for an ice age. When I was reading Who Gave Pinta to the Santa Maria by Robert Desowitz, he included an interesting timeline of global climate changes over the eras/ages as indicated by parasites. It was a genuinely fascinating book.
Desowitz was described by a book reviewer as a veritable Sherlock Holmes of parasites and pathogens. My parasitology professor is a huge fan of his. (As he should be, I suppose.)

Anyhow, I was under the impression that we were going to the boats early this afternoon, hence the peep-toe espadrilles in the garden.

2.5 miles

Part 1 of my little shoe series.

Also, I've been so bad at commenting since I started posting every day. (it might have taken me 2 years on here to actually commit to posting every single day.. but.. huzzah! I'm doing it.) So now I am actually going to make an effort at looking at the journals that I subscribe to and commenting on the commendable blips of this community. Love this place.

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