Rodents rule

By squirk


A busy day today at work. I went into the office to sort out a chapter - it's quite spooky being in the large building at the weekend, with many of the normal doors locked, which made it interesting trying to reach my desk. But that wasn't the highlight of my trip into work. There were engineering works, so I caught the rail replacement bus into the city and I had that whole double-decker bus to myself for the entire journey! The bus driver thought it was hilarious and gave me a big smile and a wave when I left the bus at Blackfriars.

It was a drizzly day so there wasn't much to inspire me to go outside. However, doing chores in the morning, I bumped into Fi and we went for coffee and cake. It's always nice to meet a friend and spontaneously do something.

Omar stayed in one spot all day, but managed to reverse and turn around - there was a worry about whether tortoises could reverse or not. It seems that they can. Phew!

I'm enjoying playing with Hipstamatic on the iPhone - it takes interesting pictures.

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