Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny


We've had yet more rain, and the snails are prolific. He was climbing up the wall, so I repositioned him for a better shot.

Good night last night, friends round for dinner, home made tomato soup, beef in red wine with creamy mash and a cheesecake for afters, and quite a few bottles of red wine. After the guests had gone it took Roy and I an hour to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen, I haven't got a dishwasher, and I'd used the Royal Albert crockery, which is not dishwasher proof, so it was on with the marigolds, I wash Roy dries. Finally sat down at midnight and watched the France/England match, went to bed at 2am, very sober.

Gym this morning, tonights tea is the left overs from last night!

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