Alfafan's photo journal

By Alfafan

Dr Johnson slept here 1773

and between 15-18 March 2010 so did we :-)

Dr Samuel Johnson was a distinguished literary figure in Eighteenth century England. He was responsible for producing the dictionary of the English language in 1755 which was considered the most important book of its time. It was only surpassed by the Oxford English Dictionary some 150 years later.

Johnson conducted a tour around Scotland and the Hebrides in 1773 as recorded in his book 'A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland'. This was no mean feat considering Johnson was 63 at the time and this was only 27 years following Culloden and the 'pacifying' of the Highlands. His travelling companion James Boswell also kept a record of the journey (A Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides) in which Johnson comes across as a notably cantankerous travelling companion.

Dr Johnson and James Boswell stayed at Ullinish in the autumn of 1773 whilst touring the Western Isles, and the Lodge was recorded in their writings thus; ?We got to Ulinish about six o?clock, and found a very good farm-house, of two stories.? and referring to the hospitality provided; ?There is a plentiful garden at Ulinish (a great rarity in Sky).

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