Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Ridin' the rails.

Today Maggie and I are travelling from LA to San Francisco on The Coast Starlight. We were a bit worried about what it would be like - it being a 12 hour journey and Scotrail our only previous knowledge of rail travelling... But what a pleasant surprise, its nothing like British trains! Its really roomy and comfortable with and best of all there is an observation lounge where you can sit and watch all the fab views go by (and they are amazing, it goes right up the coastline) and take tons of photographs, naturally ;) We've been in there most of the day - in between watching episodes of Dexter on the computer and eating lots of snacks.

Ahhhh...this is the life!

ps. Do you know the way to San Jose?
I do :o)

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