Well, that's it - the menu choices have been confirmed, canapes picked, all sorts of decisions made and now the deal is done. Just waiting for the hotel manager to ring me to take payment and apart from turning up on the day, it's all signed, sealed and delivered.

I've been over to the hotel this evening, to sit and drink tea and chat with Fergus, the chap from the hotel, who has been liaising with me over the wedding. Lovely fellow. Very very helpful and not at all phased by me and my neurotic, bordering on obsessive, tendencies.

What seemed like a thousand questions later, and I feel like I can finally relax and get excited about the wedding now.

Seating plan version 7 is done. No more changes because everyone who could confirm has done so, and I have been ruthless with one who didn't and chopped them off the list.

And happiness abounds, as a last minute entry was made to the guest list and it has made Corin, James and I really really happy.

Can't wait to see our friends and family all together. To see faces that I haven't seen for such a long time, to let people connect who don't often get the chance and to share our day with everyone.

Most of all, I can't wait to be Corin's wife. And James can't wait for Corin to "officially" be related to him!

Other than that, Corin and I are both suffering with really dreadful sinus pain. Corin's had it for a couple of days but it got really bad last night. Mine has started late this afternoon and it hurts like stink - left side of my face - behind and around my eye, into my cheek (making me feel like I have toothache).

Clearly I am happy though because I am not being a mard.

Just off to ring Ann about my cake.... and take some drugs!

night all

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