
By dorrit

Gone But Not Forgotten

Well, the weekend with my daughter, grand-daughter and great grand-son is ended. The fantastic Pac NW Blipmeet has come and gone. The time spent with my sister-in-law on the drive there and back is over. It's back to the "daily grind", but as I squeezed out a few minutes away from work at lunch time I realized that it is gone but not soon to be forgotten. Here is the other half of my lunch from the blipmeet warmed up for today's lunch, a picture taken of my wonderful grandson from the weekend, birthday flowers from a different sister-in-law given to me at our Corn Beef and cabbage dinner the night before the trip and lots and lots of memories of new friends who somehow feel like old ones, of a baby's soft as soft skin and darling smiles and coos, of lots and lots of grand-daughter and daughter hugs, great shopping, lots of laughter (especially at the blipmeet!) and a very wonderful weekend that will linger with me for a very long time!

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