Bangkok Tattoo

By BangkokTattoo

Landing in Bhutan

Arrived in Bhutan today and snapped this view of the Paro Dzong out the plane window while taxiing on the runway. Dzong literally means fortress. In each district in Bhutan, the district administration - both secular and monastic - are housed in the dzong. There are both government offices and temples within the sprawling structure.

As you can see, it was a very overcast day but we cleared the clouds just in time for the landing. The Paro airport is tucked in a tight valley and the pilots can't rely on instruments as they skim ridges and bank against the mountainsides on the final approach. It's one of the most technically difficult landings in the world and if they don't have enough visibility, they fly to Calcutta and wait it out. Luckily we made it through today.

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