All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

A "nappy" day!

Had to set the alarm today to ensure I got up in time for Bounce & Tickle. It's so tempting to just roll over and go back to sleep, especially when Ethan is still sound asleep. However, I know it's well worth getting up to make sure I have an activity planned for the day.

Ethan got a bit grizzly during Bounce & Tickle though and fell asleep on my shoulder half way through. Afterwards, I went for a coffee with the group of girls I meet there a fortnight ago and Ethan carried on sleeping. How antisocial!

In the afternoon we went round to a neighbours house for coffee and a natter. She was telling me that back in December, one of the other neighbours had been in the middle of planning a surprise Baby Shower for me, only I went and had Ethan a bit earlier than anyone had expected, so it never took place! I was quite touched to hear this!

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