Stairwells and corridors of power

A quick lunch time blip and no, I have none of the power in the title ;-)

I have my regular after work appointment today and a busy evening ahead so definitely a quick blip. It's not the most attractive architecture but I like the way lines converge in this and contrast of light with dark and gloomy. A little reflective of the mood of people in this building (it's not the one I work in).

It's been a rough day for some and not so bad for others. We just get on and do the best we can.

I've taken the risk that the dodgy weather forecast either won't happen at all, or will hold off until I'm home. I hope I right otherwise I might be a lightening rod on a bike.

We're half way through the week - yippee! Except in my case it finishes me early tomorrow afternoon :-)

Enjoy the rest of your day/evening.

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