
By Instography


Aye, the poor wee lassie is down with pox. And she has a cold. So she's suppurating and running. But actually quite cheery considering. And she asks permission to scratch, which she doesn't get. Just some cream slapped on and some photos taken. Wee lamb - it looks like there's some pox under her left eyelid so she's a bit of a boxer.

Anyway, she'll be back at nursery by Wednesday and all sympathy will have evaporated. Today we had a nice wee wander around Linlithgow Palace and the loch where I spent ages trying to get a good blurry photo of Ewan and Ellen on the swings. Not bad but in the end the original upload got deleted.

Having commented last week about rarely getting out, we were out tonight again. A nice meal in Iggs (apart from the overcooked duck) slightly spoiled by the downright dishonest claim on the bill that all the gratuities go to the staff. Not true. So we left cash instead. At least the staff get to choose what to do with it.

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