Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Big Screen

We watched Paranormal Activity with A's borrowed projector tonight. Probably the only way to watch it - I'm not sure it would have been half as scary watching it on the TV. At one point A wanted to lie on the floor because his back was sore but that only lasted about 4 minutes before I told him to come up and sit with me again as I was a little freaked out. I know it got pretty panned when it first came out but I do find it really scary. I don't believe in paranormal activity (certainly not as it's portrayed) but still was a little freaked by the film.

We also had a really healthy dinner tonight. Intended to put chick peas in our chicken/quinoa stirfry type thing and discovered the kitties have a real taste for them. Cooked the entire bag (way too much in hindsight) so will be eating hummus for days!!

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