Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Water Balls (more interesting than they sound)

This is going to sound like such a dull entry but here goes.

We got a new floral arrangement in the reception area at work. We normally have some boring plant or maybe some daisies if we're lucky. But the receptionists friend decided to make us a complimentary design free of charge. So we were made a fish bowl filled with some really pretty lilies. They weren't the most exciting thing though - the flowers were placed with what looked like little glass balls but turned out to be seed type things that expand when they are put in a bowl with water. They're pretty genius - look pretty and hydrates the flowers.

They also resulted in a day of games and hilarity (well, it was a Friday). My colleague and I spent most of the day hiding round corners throwing them at one another (they sort of exploded on impact) and playing games like 'who can get it in the bowl and from how far' yadda yadda yadda. It's the simple things that can really cheer up an otherwise boring workday.

My friend came round tonight and we made cupcakes. Orange cupcakes with chocolate frosting. I used cocoa rather than melted chocolate and have thus learned my lesson. The icing came out rather odd so will change it next time.

Now off to bed - night Blippers!

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