Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Warriston Cemetry

Around this time last year we took our group to Warriston Cemetry. Today we were back again but with a different group to do different activities.

It was a good session but a combination of lack of sleep the last few nights and then twisting my ankle and knee in two seperate games of hide and seek (I mean honestly, who leaves a stone cross buried in the ivy of an overgrown graveyard!) made the session very hard for me. We're pushing the group really hard but equally they're pushing us back and it's exhausting!

Preparing for a weekend camping over Easter but I get a night off tomorrow night to go for dinner with my boy for our anniversary. Yay!

Oh and look, I learnt new editing techniques! I saw this lonely daff sitting in the rain in the cemetry so thought I'd try something to brighten it up from the dreary grey day.

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