Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


The Oxford English dictionary defines sincere as "proceeding from or characterized by genuine feelings; free from deceit" Now if you ask me, slipping my thoroughly destroyed letter from the bank in to a little envelope saying "our sincere apologies" isn't very sincere. Sincerity would have been a hand written note from whoever kicked it around the sorting office floor!

Today was going to be a photo of the lovely afternoon tea we had at Eteaket. When I say "we" I mean S, I had tea and ginger cake as the afternoon tea was loaded with dairy. However as it was a Beltane planning meeting rather than a social affair my "electronic brain" was out but not the camera. On the way home I detoured past Fopp to pick up some new books and argos to get electronic kitchen scales to chart Milo's growth, balance scales aren't too handy for weighing a snake in. He's 121g, though I forgot to warm the plate first, I think he was a bit startled by being transferred from warm hands to cold scales.

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