Shiny things

Lazy and busy. That sums up my day.
Lie in.
Pancakes for breakfast with james.
James then wanted pancakes with bacon for lunch!
Dentist for checkup. James is going to be referred to an orthodontist after next check up - I was a little surprised about this - I was expecting him to have to have braces as he has mine (and my brother's) problem of overcrowded teeth, but I was surprised at the timing - he still has a number of baby teeth. however, the waiting list for orthodontict treatment is now 26 months where we live, so that would mean that james would be coming up on 13 by the time he would be seen!

Town to run some last minute errands.

A couple more jobs ticked off the list.

A number of hand stuffed teddy bears need dressing.

Hair is dyed (purple!). Have tried on the dress again and made a decision that purple pashmina is the way forward - so glad I bought a couple of different options.

Jewels from my necklace.

I have a rant, but I am saving it till tomorrow ...bloody telephone sales reps...will write myself a note to remind me to let it all go tomorrow.

Right, bed, as I am in work tomorrow with some students who want to come in and finish off some coursework - the lure of being able to come into school in non-uniform AND listen to their MP3 players whilst working was obviously too strong!

5 more get ups!

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