Some privacy please, I'm taking a (dirt) bath

This is one of my orphaned chicks taking a dirt bath in a large pit that she and the rest of the orphans have excavated. She appears to be a barred rock, and barred rocks tend to be less intelligent than most chickens, and possibly a bit meaner. This one is dumb and sweet. She is at the age, adolescence, where young birds are referred to as chooks. There are a total of 4 orphans and 3 other chicks that were hatched by one of my bantam hens in the middle of January hanging out in the backyard. The bantam chicks hang out with their dad, the bantam rooster as both of my bantam hens are sitting on clutches of eggs.

Out of the 7 chicks, I am worried that 6 are roosters. This is the only one I am sure is female. The 2 hens sitting on eggs will undoubtedly produce lots roosters, too, since bantams seem to hatch a high percentage of roosters. What am I going to do?

Today I am grateful for the day I was given, my life, meeting a nice new doctor today that I really liked, that the EKG I had that showed I was having a heat attack turned out to be leads hooked to the wrong electrodes by a student nurse, and my chickens (the macaw likes them too).

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