
After a bit too much sunshine and not enough slip slap slopping I bear a striking resemblance to a beetroot tonight. It's not a good look and certainly not a blip.

This evening we took the Mooloolaba Canal and River cruise at dusk. Our route took us past the (holiday) homes of the Sunshine Coast's rich and famous. Spectacular properties, designed to be viewed from the water, some being winners of State and National awards. Some boasted infinity pools, while others were flanked by imported palm trees but nearly all had a yacht parked up on the water on its respective mooring. Oh, how the other half live.

In the blip, the late Steve Irwin's research vessel, Croc One that he was using when he was killed by a stingray back in 2006. Our skipper, Bruce(!) told us that the Crocodile Hunter had bought the property purely for the mooring capacity for the vessel, adding that the house is rarely occupied by his wife and children.

Early night tonight. Early start and a long day tomorrow.

My year ago blip marks a very stressful day!

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