
By LadyFindhorn

The Frog and Egg

The sun shone out of a deep blue sky this morning, and the castle windows didn't gleam and sparkle as they should. And so it was out with the pail and the soapy water to try and make them more appealing to would be buyers.

Meanwhile his Lordship, acting as castle gardener, was tidying up the flower borders and painting the garden bench. The snow and frost has played havoc with his lawn so that also required a little attention.

In fact it was a hive of activity all round until Glasgow daughter appeared with Nina so that we could go to Doodles the ceramics shop to make hand prints on a plate for Nina's other Grandmother. That was a huge success and while she was gainfully employed, I covered a plate in dots and chevrons of different colours which seemed to be the sum total of my artistic talent today.

I was similarly struck by a complete lack of blipfoto inspiration. In the end I thought that daughter #1's painted egg of many years' standing, was a good contrast in age and subtlety to the creme egg which I have been hoarding for eating this weekend.

However the egg frog looks as though it might get there first.

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