All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Back home where he belongs!

Well, as you can see, we got to take Obi home from the vets today!

He still can't eat by himself and has the feeding tube in his neck. So the vets showed us how to feed him via this as it has to be done 5 times a day. He also has 3 different types of eyedrops to be put in at various intervals throughout the day too. Within the first hour of being home he had tried to escape through the catflap, used the litter tray and curled up on his favourite cushion! So even if there is some brain damage, he isn't as bad as was first feared!

Unfortunately his sister Leia won't go near him - she arched her back and hissed before running away when she first saw him. Hopefully things will improve there soon.

Earlier in the day, I took Ethan (and Granny and Grandpa) into my office for another visit, as we'd been in the vicinity anyway. He got lots of cuddles and even got fed a bottle by one of my colleagues who was wearing a pair of bunny ears! I nearly posted a photo of that as todays blip but wasn't sure how she'd feel about it!

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