Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax

Gripping Tale

Sometimes a book is just so good that you cannot put it down. The book this girl is reading must be exceptional in order to read it while pushing her bicycle.

I nearly missed this shot. I saw the girl crossing an intersection and when she had passed out of camera range, I said to myself, "That that would have made a brilliant shot." I am quick like that.

Fortunately, the girl stopped and I was able to catch up with her, overtake, and get about 15 yards ahead. I turned round and fired off three shots, hoping my manual focusing was up to the task. It could have been a tad better, if I am honest, but the end result was sharp enough.

So yet again, my artistic shot taken some 20 minutes earlier will not see the light of day. A similar shot taken yesterday can be seen here.

The book that so engrossed this young lady is Acorna by Anne McCaffrey & Margaret Ball. Would I be showing my age if I said that I had never heard of it or its authors? Or do I need to get out more? :-)

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