The day after!

Backblipped yesterday, obviously! + Part 1 of the wedding pics

Utterly knackered!

Loaded the car up and came home after a long and social breakfast with a number of our guests from yesterday, some of them looking much the worse for wear!

Lots of goodbyes. Promises to catch up - I hope that we will all keep to our promises.

Came home and first things first, kettle on and Corin made us a large mug of tea each - pesky hotel only used little cups!!!

Two brews and bacon butties later, we decided to tackle the mountain of gifts and cards that we had received.


So much thought - people clearly know us well and have bought wonderful framed photos, lots of cookware that I have coveted for a while (Corin asked me if he was going to get fat now?!), photography books, glasses, herbs and spices, and lots of money - which us sad middle aged buggers are going to put in our mortgage offset account!!! My friend dan even made us a framed canvas - original piece of art - one off. He knows I love his work!

THANK YOU EVERYONE. I will be doing thankyou cards this week - be patient with me!

Just got about 3000 photos to wade through at the moment, with more to come from certain quarters.

Spag bol for tea, and watch Corin installing the brick above the front door.

Doctor Who, then a very very early night.

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