Blipper at work

We went for a drive up Glen Lyon this morning - a most beautiful place. It's a valley between Loch Tay and Loch Rannoch, running parallel with them, but with no through road to anywhere. There's some information about it here with some more photos. We got as far as the little post office/tea rooms in Bridge of Balgie.

On our way back down the glen, Mr H was still alert for blipping material (in spite of having a really bad case of man-flu). We stopped for him to photograph a herd of fantastically hairy pigs and also a scenic waterfall and the 'Roman' Bridge. When he was happily clicking away at the latter I thought I'd blip the blipper.

it's good to be home again but it's also been very good to be away from 'civilisation' for a couple of days - internet silence! I've back-blipped Friday and

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